- 北京大学博雅特聘教授
- 国家级人才称号(特聘教授)
- 国家杰青基金获得者
- 北京市卓越青年科学家
- 商务部经贸政策咨询委员
- 北大国家发展研究院党委书记、副院长
- 国际中国研究联盟秘书长
- 戴维斯加州大学经济学博士
Representative Work:
《Trade Openness and China’s Economic Development》
With the expansion of globalization, international trade has played an increasingly significant role, especially for developing countries. As the largest developing country, China has made a lot of efforts to integrate to the global market since its Open and Reform Policy in 1978 and has become the second largest economy in world. So what is the effect of China’s trade-oriented strategy for the country and the world? How did it improve the country’s economic development? These are some critical questions this book discusses.
This book utilizes classic Western economic models to examine how China’s openness policies have affected the manufacturing upgrading and economic development of the country. A large amount of micro-level empirical evidence is added to support the conclusion.
Scholars and students in economics and business will benefit from this book. Also, it will appeal to readers interested in policy making and Chinese studies.