- 北京大学博雅特聘教授
- 国家级人才称号(特聘教授)
- 国家杰青基金获得者
- 北京市卓越青年科学家
- 商务部经贸政策咨询委员
- 北大国家发展研究院党委书记、副院长
- 国际中国研究联盟秘书长
- 戴维斯加州大学经济学博士
Representative Work:
E2020007 2020-05-27
Larry D Qiu
Lingnan University
Miaojie Yu
Peking University
This paper provides a theoretical and empirical analysis of the effects of market competition and market expansion on firm’s product line decisions. The theoretical model explicitly incorporates cost of management and term heterogeneity in terms of managerial efficiency. Both the theoretical and empirical analyses show that the home country’s final-goods tariff cut (which captures market competition) reduces all home firm’s export product line, whereas in response to the foreign country’s tariff cut (which represents market expansion), firm’s with high (low) managerial efficiency expand (reduce) export product lines. Our empirical analysis is based on data on Chinese firms from 2000 to 2006. The findings are robust to many specifications of the empirical model.
Keywords: Multiproduct firm; Managerial efficiency; Product line; Export product scope; Trade liberalization.
Download: ../docs/20200527111110484133.pdf
※Forthcoming at Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.